Saturday, June 28, 2008


Sorry about not writing a post for what, over two weeks?

First there was a vacation to our Canuck neighbors to the north, of which a post is currently being written.

However, that aforementioned post cannot be completed because I have been getting all traces of my video game abstinence from the last school quarter out of my system.

After that, there's summer school. Never in my life have I seen so much homework from summer school. I'm taking Development of Western Civilization Honors. This class is designed by administrators in order to trap Asian students looking for more "Honors" classes. First off, it's not really an honors class. It's only "an honors class for departmental purposes", whatever that's supposed to mean. Then it's the easiest honors class to get into. As long as your pass the measly requirements, you're in - no questions asked. But the work disproportional. 92 makes an A. 91 makes a B. There is a quiz or test every single day, and we have to do these five-hour long optional notes for 1% of extra credit at the end of the term. We also have these seminars everyday where we have pretend to be knowledgeable and discuss things while sitting in a circle.

But that's not the end of it. There's some violin recital thing coming up, and I'm screwed. I can't even play my solo correctly and when I combined it the piano accompaniment, well, I wouldn't exactly call it glass shattering but it's far from decent. And I hate rests, by the way. I'm always either too early or too late, and I never seemed able to count up to four properly, even when using my fingers.

Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major by W.A. Mozart - my piece.
I wish I could play like that.

Finally, my computer crashed. It has been getting the Blue Screen of Death quite a lot lately. The failures occur more and more quickly than the last times it happened until finally, I cannot even finish reformatting my computer without getting BSoD. Of course, this could be blessing in disguise, because it may possibly get me a new computer. =]

So, please accept my apologies. And have a happy Fourth of July.
Apology accepted? Let Humor-blogs know.

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Anonymous said...

Bad blogger etiquette.

All good, I see no one is happy with summer school.

Anonymous said...

ha ha... In our school, the class is called Influence of Greek and Roman Civilizations Honors, which is an honors class. However, A's, which is an added grade point, is really hard to get.

Anonymous said...

year? i thought this was summer school.