Thursday, May 15, 2008

Point of No Return

Thanks to those of you who took part in my poll, although the final decision really came down to my mom, for what's that worth.

FINAL POLL RESULTS: 2008/05/07 to 2008/05/14:

Total Votes: 12

Yesterday, I went to the Career Center and did a little tweaking to my schedule. That was the point of no return; the final threshold...

It was very hard to choose between journalism and orchestra. Both had as many pros as they did con.

If I chose orchestra, it would show consistency, seeing as I had already taken one year of it. It would also be easier on my workload as orchestra isn't nearly as demanding as other classes. I've always wanted to see how I looked in a penguin suit.

On the other hand, if I had taken journalism, I
might actually achieve some fame, because concertmaster is rather a distant prospect. By writing articles, I may be able to express all that's right, mostly wrong, and funny about the world to more than just my loyal but limited blog viewers. My biology teacher also recommended journalism, I believe, stating that I might be able to squeeze out a nice recommendation for college or other stuff from a long relationship with the class. It'd also be a nice extracurricular. However, by taking journalism, I would have more work and more deadlines and maybe more misplaced sleep.

Yet by taking orchestra I might well be wasting four years of classes that could have been used for something else, even though I intended to take it both junior and senior year, to lighten my workload and go on that large trip to somewhere that happens once every four years for orchestra. Seeing as my violin skills are rather limited, I would likely be stuck in second violin,
not playing the melody (and therefore playing the harder music). Then there's also this little problem of loneliness: I wouldn't really know anybody, and all the sophomores entering advanced orchestra are really no more than just acquaintances.

As for personal preference, I really can't decide. I can't well choose between two parts of myself. I was lucky there wasn'
t a third option: graphic design and animation seemed very tempting.

But whatever, happens, orchestra is the winner. I can only hope that I, the voters, and/or my mom, have made the right choice and gone on the right path of life.

So my next year's schedule will be;
- Honors English 10 (hopefully)
- Honors Pre-Calculus/Calculus A (hopefully but rather unwanted)
- AP Biology
- Spanish 1
- Fit for Life (only to keep my feet dry during the winter) / Tennis Team (hopefully)
- AP Computer Science (Zero Period)
- Advanced Orchestra

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1 comment:

Christine said...

don't forget, Calc A is an AP :P
three APs ALREADY!