Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Final Destination

I have been cheating death, I think.

First, there was that 5.4 earthquake here in southern California.

Following the earthquake, the school found a gas leak. Apparently, our class somehow missed the call to evacuate the buildings and move to the field. I think it was because some very heated discussion about Christian Bale or Bail what's his face and whether or not he was bad man for abusing his mom and sister. Whatever the case, it really brought out the rage from the girls.

Then when I was riding home, I somehow found myself in front of my bike. Thing was, I didn't get there in the orthodox way, such as by getting off the bike and walking around. Instead, I somehow gone over my handlebars, crashing into more or less everything along the way. In the end, my groin felt like the Balls of Fury. I walked for a block before daring to get back on the bike.

Later, during tennis, I almost tore my pink off with my watch in some clumsy maneuver and gave myself a dead leg while serving.

Today was definitely not a good day.

Bad day like me? Cheer up at Humor-blogs.

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