Friday, June 06, 2008

OCB Banquet

Well, today was the annual Orchestra - Colorguard - and Band Banquet. I must say that this wasn't the most fabulous party of all time.

The horror of it all begins earlier that day with my orchestra direction instructing us that the event was "dressy casual." Dressy casual, eh? I went to school believing that I had dressed "dressy casual." Apparently, I hadn't, so I had to drive home and put on a polo.

Upon arriving at school, I met a girl who exclaimed, "You're going in that!?!" Whoops, not so good. She explained that it was "semi-formal." There's a world of difference between "dressy casual" and "semi-formal"; to me, they mean "casual" but not crap and dress shirt and pants, respectively. So I escorted her to the band restroom (which despite being music students isn't as clean as normal restrooms) so that she could change into some sparkly pink dress while calling my dad to bring me my orchestra outfit seeing as I had no other "semi-formal" outfit. He wasn't too happy - looks like this banquet was going to cost three dollars in gas.

Having decked out in the proper attire, I made my grand entrance to the banquet. Sadly, there were no trumpeters from the band to announce my presence. Oh well. Following a wait in a fairly long line, I began to near the buffet. There seemed to be some kind of pasta, a couple rolls, a salad, and some semi-melted desserts. I began to worry, for I saw no evidence of meat.

Some lady piled some weird cheese pasta onto my dish. Suspicions confirmed: no meat. Ironically, a guy farther down the line was calling out, "Vegetarian here!" That's kind of pointless. Isn't the whole meal vegan?

I ate my meal, picking apart the vegan mess while complaining to any who cared to listen about the lack of meat. I paid eight United States greenbacks for this! Maybe if they spent less on the DJ and more on the food we could have some meat. I need my meat three times a day+, seven days a week, twelve months a year. And that's just the bare minimum or else m hands start shaking and my vision goes double. Then I saw some sort of wrinkly mass on my plate. Could it be? I speared it with my fork. It sure looked like chicken. I placed it in my mouth and immediately burst into tears. Meat! There was actually some sort of meat! Chicken ain't all that great, but it's better than nothing. After my little euphoria had subsided however, I continued to wander around and spread my sad tale of a meatless dinner.

Then it was the awards ceremony. Blah blah blah, some guy in front of us was quite the obnoxious. Kept screaming and hugging his buddies and conceitedly complimenting himself on how he made band fun, although to his credit he actually started more than one round of applauses. Simultaneously, there was some guy from percussion clapping rather loudly. It was like he was trying to make one hand go through the other or something. What was a percussionist doing here anyways? I remember quite clearly that this was an OCB Banquet; not OCBP.

On a final note, I must say that band enjoys overkilling their tradition. They have to pass down binders and unread books, give necklaces (who knows where it's been), and so on. On the other hand, orchestra sure enjoys making ties. We have co-presidents, co-seceretaries, co-treasurers, and co-historians. Heck, we even have co-teachers.

But above all, I've had a wonderful time with orchestra, band, and colorguard. Just try to get more meat in the banquet next time.

Feel my pain? Cheer me up by cheering yourself up at Humor-blogs.

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Anonymous said...

If you say cheese pasta is vegan, you are wrong. Vegans endeavor not to use or consume animal products of any kind. Cheese is made from milk, which comes from happy cows of California. Therefore, cheese is an animal product and is not to be consumed by vegans.

I think you should become vegan soon because meat, especially beef, is full of something called saturated fat. With our recent shortage of food and high demand, eating all vegetables would our world hunger crisis. I cant explain why because its a complicated process, but to do this, you would have to eat the dreaded, evil, soybean.

Christine said...

yeah...cheese isn't vegan.

and dude. percussion is pretty much band anyway >_>

and i sincerely hope you didn't spend your whole dinner thinking about meat. seriously -_____-x

and my parents would have never brought my clothes twice to me.
what were the other guys wearing?

Anonymous said...

...there was meat, i had a lot actually. but i guess you just had to get there earlier.

Anonymous said...

*cough cough
you started out dressed too casually, and then u ended up dressed almost too formally...
yes, the entire uniform minus the tie is almost too formal.
i wore an orange polo :)

Anonymous said...

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